A crisp linen top note leads to an innocent bouquet of fresh lavender, blooming jasmine, rose petal and white lily in this fantasy scent. Sunny warmth is created with sandalwood and musk, as hints of vanilla finish the blend.
Top: Crisp, Citrus
Middle: Floral, Green
Bottom: Sandalwood, Musk, Vanilla
Our BOGO candles come in a black, cream or sandwashed tin. We use lead free cotton wicks, luxury coconut wax and premium fragrance infused with essential oils.
Size: 3” w x 3.375” h
Volume: 9oz
The first time you light your candle, let it burn for 3-4 hours to allow the melted wax to reach the edge of the container to prevent your candle from tunneling. Also, don’t place your candle near anything flammable. Place the candle on a heat-resistant surface! Keep lit candle away from drafts, ceiling fans and any air currents. Never leave a burning candle unattended! Extinguish all candles when you leave a room, before going to sleep or if the flame gets too close to the jar. A candle should not be burned for more than four hours at a time. For a margin of safety, discontinue burning a candle when 1/4 inch of wax remains in the container.